
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hippie at Heart

It is true, I believe in caring for the mind body and soul holistically for optimal health, using food and nutrition as medicine to heal sickness and build immunity, essential oils, herbal remedies and singing to the trees. But I tell you what, when it's 10 o'clock at night and your baby is laboring to breath and you are trying to calm him down because crying makes the gasping even worse, and the oils and the humidifier and the hot shower haven't worked, I am THANKFUL for modern medicine! This is my first baby to ever have croup. It was almost unbearable to watch my little one suffer, but what a relief after the first breathing treatment to see him breathe normal again. He is doing much better today, still has a barking cough and raspy breathing, but not strained like it was last night. It's kind of funny that now every time I hear a dog bark outside I immediately think he is coughing and waking up from his nap! What an amazing day and age we live in where we have access to instant relief of sickness symptoms. Yes I have my concerns about some of the practices in the medical industry, but right now I really appreciate medical science and technology that helped my baby breathe again and eased my burden when I needed it.


  1. Coughs are the worst! They are seriously so stressful to me.

  2. Lucy have you kids ever had croup? If so what have you done?

  3. Yes, I agree - both have a place in my heart. Try natural first and then use medicine. Love both!
