
Monday, May 13, 2013

Motivation Monday

Most people dread Mondays but I love them! Mondays always seem like my most productive day of the week. I feel rejuvenated from the weekend and optimistic that I have the chance to start over and make it a great week. I say this coming off of a fantastic Mother's day weekend where I completely over indulged and used the celebration of being a mother to justify eating way to much of whatever I wanted. And if I really want to be honest with myself I can admit that between Saturday and Sunday I ate almost 3000 calories over what I normally would. So I am EXCITED it is Monday and I have another chance to get back on track. In the past I would let a single day off track sabotage every day that followed because I would let myself think "I'll do better tomorrow". What would end up happening is I would think the exact same thing the next day...and the next day....and the  next day.....and months later I would still not be reaching my goal. No More! I accept the days I lose track of my goal and then get over it because one bad will not stop me from reaching my goals!
Happy Monday!!

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